Monday, March 31, 2008

Toluca Diablos game vs Monterrery

I went to my 3rd Toluca Diablos game yesterday with the crazy Detroit and Toronto guys. We had a blast - there was 9 of us at the game and all wearing Toluca jerseys to support our team! We sat in the close up section (palcos) so we were up close and personal to the action. The good (bad) thing about these games is that the beers are only 20 pesos each....


Alison said...

I love how your new team's colors are red and white just like the Astros. It looks like you had a great time. You should stay in touch with your friends from Detroit; it looks like they have been a blast to know. I am on day 2 of the no-alcohol-during-the-weekday diet. Had a girls' dinner tonight and I passed up very yummy reddies and whites. I'll see you soon. Love, Alison

Heather said...

Alison passing up wine??? I know that this must be an April Fool's Joke....