Monday, February 18, 2008


I went to Taxco on Sunday with the crazy Detroit folks ( I will have to do a separate posting on them). Taxco is the center of the silver industry in Mexico, home to some truly spectacular silver jewelry shopping..... fun fun! it is a 2 hour drive from Toluca, over some hills/mountains and on some windy curvy 2 lane roads. Taxco is a small town with a charming center square, of course the center of the town in the beautiful church in the square. the roads are zigzaggy up and down out of the square, all the roads in the town are like the famous road in San Francisco! it made me very glad that I was not the one driving!
Of course I bought some jewelry for myself - I will post a pic as soon as I can figure out how to upload one.... I also bought a much needed $9 hat to shade my fair skin from the sun.... not to rub it in to all of you, but the weather here is SOOO NICE. Sunny every day and highs in the upper 70's/low 80's.....
After we left Taxco, we stopped and toured the caves outside Taxco. (Grutas in spanish). These are similar to Carlsbad Caverns, with amazing formations of stalagtites and stalagmites. It was a 2 hour walking tour inside the caverns (1 hour in and 1 hour out) if that tells you how far and how big the caverns are.....

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